Coming soon...
Richard's new film, "The Ghost Road - A Northumbrian Tale", is now available to watch on the Overdrive Films page.
Richard has spent some productive days in the studio recently (April 2021), and new track, 'Song of Solitude' is now on Richard's YouTube channel.
Richard's new album, Axis Mundi, is now available to listen to in its entirety on YouTube. You can listen to it directly from the videos page. Keep checking back to find out when it will be available to download!
Check out a demo track of Richard's, 'Buddha Was a Friend of Mine', available to view on the videos page. Please spread the video far and wide!
Richard's new track, 'Light at the End of Chaos' is out now and available to view on the videos page. Please spread the video far and wide!
Richard's new short film, Upon the Wings of War, is out now and is available to watch on the Overdrive Films page.
Richard has some new music out for you to enjoy! Find his double A-side track "Goodnight Blighty / The Uncivil War" over on the videos page. Please share the video far and wide!
Read the great write up on Richard on the Hexham Courant website.
Richard's short film, Dark Spires, is available to watch over on the Overdrive Films page.
Richard's new album "Music and Song from the Wooden Crypt" is now available to stream directly from the albums page. If you enjoy the album, please support Richard and buy the album from or!
'The Killing Jar' short film has now been released and is available to watch now on the Overdrive Films page!
Tracks from Richard's album The Illustrated Man and his EP Friday's Dream have been included in the British Library Sound Archive.
Richard's latest EP Friday's Dream is out now!
You can listen to the EP here on the albums page where you will also find links to buy the EP.
Friday's Dream track listing:
Keep checking back for more information...